• Jídlo/Pití

    Vegan coconut-chocolate cake

     Hi! Ahoj! * At English course, which I visit, someone bake something sweet every week. This time, it came up to me and I for the first time (with dad’s help) baked gluten-free and vegan cake. We decided to make a vegan coconut-chocolate cake. Everybody like it and none of my classmates would not recognize that it was a vegan cake. So the task was accomplished and because it tasted to me as well, so I had no problem to eat the other half of the baking pan! If you have questions, let me know in the comments. If you’ll use my recipe, show me your photos on Facebook or Instagram! _ Na kurzech angličtiny,…

  • Jídlo/Pití

    What I Ate in a Day (Vegan) I.

    Hi! Ahoj! * Sorry that last week was not the article but I was moving out, so there was no time. But today I already have article for you and of course about food. It’ve occurred to me that I might occasionally write an article about what a vegan (me) eats all day. I hope you will enjoy it and you may find inspiration to your diet. I must confess that the day I had a little „glutton mood“so there is more food than an ordinary day and more unhealthy. And i drink more water then is on the photos. Do you also have articles like this? Write me in the comments…

  • Jídlo/Pití

    Vegan garlic spread

     Hi! Ahoj! * Last weekend we celebrated my brother’s birthday and because I am the only vegan in the family, all planned food  was not vegan. My mum and I had wondered, what we could do for me and an ordinary garlic spread it occurred to us. But ours spread is the vegan garlic spread and even gluten-free because it will be served on the gluten-free bread. I must say that I was excited and pleased that i could I ate the entire contents of the plate itself. If you have questions, let me know in the comments. If you’ll use my recipe, show me your photos on Facebook or Instagram! _ Minulý víkend jsme slavili…

  • Jídlo/Pití

    Vegan roasted vegetables

     Hi! Ahojky! * Unfortunately I don’t have much time so I have for you today only other vegan recipe. Ideal as a side dish or single dish. It is very easy to prepare and before it will be rosted, you can look at my other articles in food section. Even healthy food can be good! If you have questions, let me know in the comments. If you’ll use my recipe, show me your photos on Facebook or Instagram! _ Bohužel nestíhám a tak pro vás mám dnes pouze další veganský recept. Hodí se jako příloha nebo samostatné jídlo. Je velmi snadný na přípravu a než se vám upeče, tak se můžete podívat…

  • Jídlo/Pití

    Vegan mug cake

     Hello! Ahoj! * Today it begins a new series of vegan recipes. As a beginner I try many new recipes and techniques. I hope you will be happy if I give you a couple of good recipes to try it. I promise that I’ll not give you anything that I didn’t like myself. The first is the recipe for a quick vegan mug cake that is gluten-free as well. If you will be sweet-tooth someday, be sure to try it – it’s good! If you have questions, let me know in the comments. If you’ll use my recipe, show me your photos on Facebook or Instagram! _ Dnes započne nová série veganských…

  • Akce

    Event review 4. (Recenze akce)

    Hi! Ahojky! On the last Sunday of the summer holidays my parents and I visited Prague ice cream festival, which was in Prague for the first time. When we was leaving the festival, we came across two other festivals, but because we were there only for a moment, I’ve decided to put all festivals into one article. More information about the festivals I’m going to describe you later in this article. Were you there? Did you like it? Will you go next year? Tell me in the comments or on my Facebook. _ Poslední neděli letních prázdnin jsme s rodiči navštívili pražský zmrzlinový festival, který byl v Praze poprvé. Při odchodu z Výstaviště jsme narazili na…


    June Favourites 2015

    Hi! Ahoj! The beginning of a new month means only one thing – to look back at the old one and show you my  June favourites 2015 .. Again, we have 9 categories, so everyone can find something for themself there. What were your favourite things in June? Be sure to follow my Facebook and Instagram! _ Začátek nového měsíce znamená jediné – ohlédnou se za tím starým a ukázat vám moje červnové oblíbenosti 2015 .. Opět máme 9 kategorií, takže každý si tam pro sebe něco najde. Jaké byly vaše oblíbené věci v červnu? Nezapomeňte sledovat můj Facebook a Instagram! * Enjoy your holiday! Užívejte si prázdniny! *

  • Jídlo/Pití

    Pumpkin soup (Dýňová polévka)

     Hello! Ahoj! I don’t feel well today. Probably just cold and fatigue. Today I’ve got for you something to makes these days the best: a hot vegetable soup – a pumpkin soup. It makes you warm, fills up you and makes you better. It’s very simple, quick and very tasty. Go for it or compel someone to cook it for you. Recipe is vegetarian of course but not vegan. In parentheses, I wrote you how you can substitute non-vegan food. If you have questions, let me know in the comments. And certainly show me your result on the Facebook! _ Necítím se dneska dobře. Nejspíš jen nachlazení a únava. Dneska mám pro vás…

  • Jídlo/Pití

    Summer snacks (Letní svačinky)

    Hi! Ahojky! I’m trying to eat healthy and exercise, because I want to be slim. And this summer I obsessed with this summer snacks. What is your favourite summer food and drink?  _ Snažím se jíst zdravě a cvičit, protože chci být hubená. A tohle léto jsem posedlá těmito letními svačinkami. Jaké je tvoje oblíbené letní jídlo a pití?