Vegan pumpkin pie

    Hi! * A few years ago, I „discovered“ a pumpkin and since then I cannot forget it. I do recipes from it every autumn. And because I’m vegan for the first time this autumn,  I had to try a recipe for a vegan pumpkin pie (a non-vegan recipe). With Dad, we bought the ingredients that were not expensive and because today is my name day, on Friday we put ourselves into baking. It was simple and took about an hour to prepare. If I had to compare vegan and non-vegan option, I must honestly say that the vegan pumpkin pie is better! I was thrilled and I think that I’m going to eat…


    What I ate in a day (Vegan) III.

    Hi! * The third part of the series „What I ate in a day“ vegan edition is here. This time, no drinks are included, but  I drink at least 2 liters of water a day and coffee in the morning. I unfortunately didn’t fit it on the photos or I forgot about it. If you are interested in any recipe, write to me. And what do you eat in a day? Write in the comments or send a link to your articles. I like to be inspire and try something new. * Have a nice evening! *


    Vegan sandwiches

    Hello! * September is over and everyone is probably used to go to school and work regularly . It is sometimes a nuisance, but you know what helps me? Snack! It just can makes a day a little better. These three vegan sandwiches are my favorites. They are quick, easy and delicious. I hope you like them too! And quickly off topic. This month – October – I’ve got for you a 2 articles per week and 3 special articles around Halloween. Do you have any tips for other vegan sandwiches? Write it in the comments. * Enjoy your meal! *


    Vegan tofu eggs

    Hi! * When I wasn’t a vegan I quite liked eggs. I don’t eat them obviously now, but even I came gradually to many new vegan meals, it’s nice once in a while to replace the ones I liked (this time without hurting anyone). Therefore the vegan tofu eggs came and there are fast and easy. Today I have two recipes for you – scrambled and spread! Did you ever cook vegan eggs and what recipe did you use? Tell me in the comments. * Bon apetit and have a nice evening! *


    Summer vegetable salads

    Hello! * Summer is slowly saying goodbye to us but days are still hot (mostly). I tried a couple of summer vegetable salads that are vegan, healthy, fresh and easy to prepare. Salads belong to summer and I have 4 variations for you but I think you will be eat them during another season too because they are really good. Of course the ingredients can be change depending on what you like. Do you have any tips for other salads? Write it in the comments and I’ll try them! * Have a nice summer days! *


    What I ate in a day (Vegan) II.

    Hi! * Finally I had time to write another article. The blog is still under a small reconstruction but more about it later. Meanwhile, there is another part of the series „What I ate in a day“ vegan edition. People often ask what I eat, so there you have it in black and white. However I would say that I drink about 2 liters of water and mineral water. Do you have any questions or similar articles? Write me in the comments or tag me on your photo on Facebook or Instagram, which the article or video refers to. * Have a nice afternoon! *