• Londýn

    Christmas in London

    Welcome to the eleventh day of the „12 days of Christmas“! Vítejte u jedenáctého dne  „12 vánočních dnů“! * Christmas last but not the least article includes Christmas photos of London the weekend before Christmas. I hope you like it and I recommend you to fled the stress here and visited London the next year. Although in London are a lot of people, but the people were much nicer than in the Czech Republic. In the article aren’t pictures of the Harry Potter studio Christmas – it has a separate article. Eventually I’ll give here even a video, but I don’t manage to cut it in this moment. It was an amazing spectacle to be in…

  • Obrázky,  Věci

    My Christmas 2015

    Welcome to the ninth day of the „12 days of Christmas“! Vítejte u devátého dne  „12 vánočních dnů“! * Today there is such a timeout article. It contains photos of this year’s Christmas, which was surprisingly quiet, relaxing, family and I enjoyed it. Of course, we ate and drunk (non-alcoholic  drinks) a lot. We all got a lot of gifts, watched movies, my brother and I played The Sims 4 and we played board games too. The only downside of the Christmas holidays is that I threw up a daily regimen and now it’s really hard to come back into it. So I apologize for nonobservance of the schedule of „12 days of Christmas“ posts. I…

  • Hry,  Knihy,  Kosmetika/Oblečení,  Věci

    What I got for Christmas 2015

    Welcome to the eighth day of the „12 days of Christmas“! Vítejte u osmého dne  „12 vánočních dnů“! * This year I chose about half of the gifts myself and most of them bought in London and HP studio where we had been before Christmas with my dad. But I also got some extra gifts that I didn’t know about them. The gifts from friends miss, so I will add them later. This year I was probably nicer than the last, because I feel that I have too much gifts. The best gifts are so far new Sims 4 expansion packs, Harry Potter The Creature Vault, a handbag and Christmas leggings. Every gift made me…

  • Londýn

    Christmas at Hogwarts

    Welcome to the seventh day of the „12 days of Christmas“! Vítejte u sedmého dne  „12 vánočních dnů“! * I was in Harry Potter Warner Bros. Studio Tour London already last summer but during this year’s Christmas visit to London I could not miss it, because from mid-November until the end of December they organize event „Hogwarts in the snow“ – just Christmas at Hogwarts and the museum has been added more things since last summer (that I’ll write in another article). Nearly the whole studio was decorated in the Christmas atmosphere. Most were decorated the Great Hall, the Gryffindor common room,  Gryffindors‘ bedroom, Weasleys‘ kitchen, a model of Hogwarts and the shops and entrance hall.…


    Christmas in The Sims 4

    Welcome to the sixth day of the „12 days of Christmas“! Vítejte u šestého dne  „12 vánočních dnů“! * Last year I wrote an article about Christmas in The Sims 3, and this year I’ve got for you Christmas in The Sims 4. When the game was released in 2014 that before Christmas, was released update of Christmas things for free and this year has been updated again and re-creators added a couple things. Unfortunately, things are just decorative items, Christmas music and festive clothing, but hopefully we will see new features to come out in expansion Seasons pack (it will be soon, I hope so!). But it is nice that they remembered us and gave…

  • Kosmetika/Oblečení

    Christmas GRWM 2015

    Welcome to the fifth day of the „12 days of Christmas“! Vítejte u pátého dne  „12 vánočních dnů“! * The first time I’ve decided to do a Christmas GRWM (Be ready with me) and I think the pictures are very good. I don’t need to comment those photos, because product names are mostly seen and is clear on what is used. At Christmas most of the time I spend at home in your pajamas, but on Christmas Eve/Day I dress festively (and sometimes when you come visit). How do you dress for Christmas? Send me photos of your Christmas GRWM on my Instagram or Facebook. Do you have similar articles on your blog? _…

  • DIY

    3 quick Christmas DIY

    Welcome to the fourth day of the „12 days of Christmas“! Vítejte u čtvrtého dne  „12 vánočních dnů“! * It’s another day and with it another Christmas article. This time – 3 quick Christmas DIY decorations that everyone can handle in few minutes. I hope you will like it. Send me photos of your DIY Christmas perhaps on my Instagram or Facebook. Do you like DIY? _ Je tu další den a s ním i další vánoční článek. Tentokrát 3 rychlé vánoční DIY dekorace, které zvládne každý za pár minut. Snad se vám budou líbit. Pošlete mi fotky vašich vánočních DIY třeba na můj Instagram nebo Facebook. Baví vás vyrábět věci? * Have a nice…

  • O mně,  Spolupráce

    Collab Christmas TAG

    Welcome to the third day of the „12 days of Christmas“! Vítejte u třetího dne  „12 vánočních dnů“! * This year I organized a big Christmas blogger collaboration to make our community a little more known. Of course I’ve included a Christmas theme and Collab Christmas TAG is here. There are 11 bloggers and 12 questions. In the name of blogger you always have a link to her blog and there will be soon answers to other questions. Unfortunately, the answers are mostly in Czech, so use a translator. I hope that you will know us more and this Christmas journey by new blogs you ‚ll enjoy. We will appreciate your comments. _ Tento rok jsem uspořádala velkou…


    Christmas Yankee candle

    Welcome to the second day of the „12 days of Christmas“! Vítejte u druhého dne  „12 vánočních dnů“! * At home they call me pyromaniac. Candles are important to me and especially during autumn and Christmas. Therefore I have for you today a review of several Christmas scents from Yankee Candle. I mostly use the waxes into aromatic lamps, because the scent is stronger, can be combined and you can change fragrances more often. There is another larger review that I wrote in the spring and tiny reviews here. Have you ever had some Christmas scent from Yankee Candle? _ Doma mi říkají pyroman. Svíčky jsou pro mě důležité a to hlavně v období podzimu…

  • Další

    12 days of Christmas (2015)

    Welcome to the first day of the „12 days of Christmas“! Vítejte u prvního dne  „12 vánočních dnů“! * And here it is! Christmas is all around us and Christmas Eve (Day) is coming. I love Christmas and I am one of the few these days (according to people in my neighborhood). They don’t understand it at all so it’s why I have decided to do on my blog some Christmas – themed articles again this year and maybe I will success in to you, Grinches, get a little Christmas spirit. It will be 12 posts like last year (by carol „12 Days of Christmas“) and it will be for example a review on the book…