Movie vs. Book (+Giveaway)
Hello! Ahojda! * This new series plays with my mind a long time and I’ve finally decided to run it. I have lots of ideas how to compare books and movies, but I decided that I will leave the final word to my readers – you! And because I know that nothing is free, one of the ideas (comments) receives a gift. I’ll pick the winner randomly this time. So what is your assignment? Write in the comments 3 version of „Movie vs Book“ – a book to be filmed or vice versa (eg .: Harry Potter, The Fault in Our Stars, Novel for Women) and give like to my Facebook page.…
Movie reviews 4. (Filmové recenze)
Hello! Ahoj! On Friday I was at cinema on a new movie „Jurassic World“ and because I was in the cinema for the second time in a short time, so I’ve got another movie reviews for you. On the first and second movie I was in 3D cinema with my father and brother. Other films I saw at home. Mostly I watch movies at home because I have a greater comfort here and most important it’s mostly free. Do you prefer watching movies at home or in the cinema? _ V pátek jsem byla v kině na novém filmu „Jurský svět“ a protože jsem byla v kině už podruhé za…
May Favourites 2015
Ahoj! Moje první May favourites! Včera jsem konečně vyfotila některé věci, které jsem si tento měsíc oblíbila, abych vám je ukázala. Chtěla bych si tuhle rubriku udržet, protože je to vážně skvělý způsob, jak shrnou své nejoblíbenější produkty a zajímavosti za určitý měsíc. Bez dalšího zbytečného povídání jdeme na to! Tentokrát mám 9 témat, které rekapitulují můj květnový měsíc!
Week with Annie 23. (Týden s Annie)
Hello! Ahoj! Another week has passed and with it news from the life of Annie .. After a long time I played The Sims 4 and hopefully I’ll have time to play later today. Finally, I again pulled out my camera and took some photos that I want to use in the next article for EKO challenge that I want to write before the end (ends on Saturday for Earth Day). I guess I’m the only one who hasn’t seen a solar eclipse on Friday, and did not care. Rather, I was pleased that it was the first day of spring, the international day of happiness and it was really…
Harry Potter TAG 2/2 (dotazník)
Good afternoon! Dobré odpoledne! Today I won’t keep it any longer. I promised the second part of Harry Potter TAG and with a slight delay is here. Whenever I start to think about the story I have a tendency to go read all the books from the beginning, do movies marathon and all at once will be the best. Maybe I will listen to the audio books, it’s a compromise! I’ll be glad when you’ll write in the comments your thoughts on today’s issues or you would recommend me another TAG. _ Dneska to nebudu zdržovat. Slibovala jsem druhou část Harry Potter dotazníku a s menším zpožděním je tady. Vždycky, když začnu nad příběhem přemýšlet, tak…
Week with Annie 22. (Týden s Annie)
Hi! Zdravím! This week has been quite modest. And I’m also getting used to the hustle and bustle. I even took a job to home, but I don’t mind. I did some progress in reading all of my books which I started read (that is my profile on Goodreads). I enrolled in a membership book club, I got a big book of crosswords and vocabulary, so the fun I have cared and soon I ‚m going to buy more books. The list of „those books I want“ is really long .. A word of advice. Don’t write on the internet dating. Seriously you usually get back to very strange people. And especially don’t write on…
Week with Annie 21. (Týden s Annie)
Hi! Ahoj! Another week full of English, series, helping others and wating for Spring.. On Monday afternoon I returned from Brno from my best friend and I immediately ran to work to teach English. Other days I did preparation for english class, I learnt English (I want to be better), I cleaned a room, I wrote my first article (only in Czech) in „EKO challenge„, I started reading a new book (A.C Doyle – Sherlock Holmes and The Red-Headed League) and I completely succumbed to the series The Middle and Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares (I also updated my list). I’m happy that about 5 o’clock in the evening is still light outside and even the sun…
Week with Annie 19. (Týden s Annie)
Hi! Ahoj! (O, ne. Dobře, uklidni se.) That somehow ran my weekend. It accumulated many good and bad things, and I just try to handle everything in peace. I was offered the job, tutoring in English for hospital staff, who are beginners. Of course, I accepted it because it’s one of my dreams, but it came with a lot of work. I’ll start next Monday, but now I’m training and I’m trying to put together everything I need. Fortunately, I really enjoy it, so it doesn’t bother me to be overwhelmed. I was sick again, but it didn’t stop me! I already tutor my colleague since Friday and it’s nice. I also…
Movie reviews 3. (Filmové recenze)
Hello! Ahoj! I’m so sorry, but I’m feeling sick since Tuesday. It’s nothing serious, but I sleep a lot. So I can’t write an article about preparing for tomorrow’s prom. We will have to move on to next week. Instead, I decided to write an article about the films I had seen since Christmas. When I’m looking at it, they are all pretty depressing. I like psychologically oriented drama movies that leaves in you some emotions and space to think. I have for you the 5 short movie reviews , most of them are new movies. I wanted to see them because they were (are) nominated for an Oscar. And I found…
Harry Potter TAG 1/2 (dotazník)
Hi! Ahoj! I wondered what article I’ll write today and I finally decided to do what I do best, write about Harry Potter. I originally found this TAG as a 30-day challenge, but I divided it into two parts. Here’s the first one. It was fun to answer questions and I will publish the second part soon. If you like it, you can copy the questions and answer them in a video or on your blog. I like to look at your own answers. Let me know in the comments! Have fun and I’m going to watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! _ Přemýšlela jsem, jaký článek dnes napíšu a…