• DENÍK,  Filmy/TV

    Week with Annie 23. (Týden s Annie)

    Hello! Ahoj! Another week has passed and with it news from the life of Annie .. After a long time I played The Sims 4 and hopefully I’ll have time to play later today. Finally, I again pulled out my camera and took some photos that I want to use in the next article for EKO challenge that I want to write before the end (ends on Saturday for Earth Day). I guess I’m the only one who hasn’t seen a solar eclipse on Friday, and did not care. Rather, I was pleased that it was the first day of spring, the international day of happiness and it was really…


    Week with Annie 22. (Týden s Annie)

    Hi! Zdravím! This week has been quite modest. And I’m also getting used to the hustle and bustle. I even took a job to home, but I don’t mind. I did some progress in reading all of my books which I started read (that is my profile on Goodreads). I enrolled in a membership book club, I got a big book of crosswords and vocabulary, so the fun I have cared  and soon I ‚m going to buy more books. The list of „those books I want“ is really long .. A word of advice. Don’t write on the internet dating. Seriously you usually get back to very strange people. And especially don’t write on…


    Week with Annie 21. (Týden s Annie)

    Hi! Ahoj! Another week full of English, series, helping others and wating for Spring.. On Monday afternoon I returned from Brno from my best friend and I immediately ran to work to teach English. Other days I did preparation for english class, I learnt English (I want to be better), I cleaned a room, I wrote my first article (only in Czech) in „EKO challenge„, I started reading a new book (A.C Doyle – Sherlock Holmes and The Red-Headed League) and I completely succumbed to the series The Middle and Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares (I also updated my list). I’m happy that about 5 o’clock in the evening is still light outside and even the sun…


    Week with Annie 20. (Týden s Annie)

    Hi! Ahoj! After a short break when I needed to recharge my batteries, I’m back to enrich your lives with my stories, knowledge, ideas and the news not only in my surroundings, but also of the world. Today I would like to start lightly, because I’m not at home and I don’t want to spend all the time on the computer. I finally have visited my best friend Medard in Brno and I’m enjoying it much. Yesterday we saw the new Disney film „Big Hero 6“ and it was really cool. I would even say that one this movie is one of the best. The main reason why I am writing…


    Week with Annie 19. (Týden s Annie)

    Hi! Ahoj! (O, ne. Dobře, uklidni se.) That somehow ran my weekend. It accumulated many good and bad things, and I just try to handle everything in peace. I was offered the job, tutoring in English for hospital staff, who are beginners. Of course, I accepted it because it’s one of my dreams, but it came with a lot of work. I’ll start next Monday, but now I’m training and I’m trying to put together everything I need. Fortunately, I really enjoy it, so it doesn’t bother me to be overwhelmed. I was sick again, but it didn’t stop me! I already tutor my colleague since Friday and it’s nice. I also…


    Week with Annie 18. (Týden s Annie)

    Hello! Ahoj! Outside is a blizzard and because I’m incredibly sensitive to the cold this winter, I sit all week in a warm sweater and socks, wrapped in a blanket and drinking hot tea, one after another. Why didn’t fall snow on Christmas? Now I don’t see the sense. But now let’s go back to what I was doing all week. I devoted to English a lot. I tried on the Internet (and magazines in English) various FCE tests (here and here), because I want to do the FCE certificate in June to make it easier to be able to tutor English. I’m going to tutor an English to my work colleague.…


    Week with Annie 17. (Týden s Annie)

    Hi! Ahoj! This whole week was about my brother’s prom. I’m proud of him. I was thinking about what dress I’ll take, which makeup I’ll use, which accessories I’ll take and so on. Finally, I fit in my old prom dress and other things followed from it. I’ll show you everything in detail in Wednesday’s article. The prom was very nice. The only bad thing was that I got a migraine at the end and I almost died on the way home. Overall, I was actually lying almost a week in bed because I wasn’t feel very well. At least I had time to find some news, to watch new movies and get some sleep.…


    Week with Annie 16. (Týden s Annie)

    Hi! Ahoj! Today’s article isn’t about news in the world, so I don’t have some interesting pictures, videos or knowledge for you. This time, the article is more like a diary this week. And right at the beginning news about the website: the new permanent desing and post tags. Well not for each article yet, because my friend Hikaru recently showed me a few tricks to improve the quality of my website. This also applies to the new design, which is still in the course of improvement. So give me the time and if you come across any mistakes, please write me. I hope you like the new look. This week I…


    Week with Annie 14. (Týden s Annie)

    Hi! Ahoj!  Christmas decoration is gone. Depressed. Return to work was hard, but fortunately it wasn’t terrible. The situation saving my favourite series, which continues after the Christmas break and also hours playing The Sims 4. On Saturday we had a family party in the restaurant, but I still keep my diet, so it was not much fun. And what you’ve had a week after the Christmas holidays? In the rest of this article you have some interesting news from the world, like always… _ Vánoční výzdoba je pryč. Depresivní. Návrat do práce byl náročný, ale naštěstí to není tak strašné. Situaci zachraňují seriály, které pokračují po vánoční pauze a taky…


    Week with Annie 12.,13. (Týden s Annie)

    Hello! Ahoj! The new year is here and I’m bring you a brief overview of what I did during the Holidays. After the initial rush, I really rested and enjoyed them. I hope that you, too. And now back to school and to work. It is time again to change our dreams into reality. We’ll be sleeping next time. I’m starting to implement my New Year’s resolutions! I want to mention that I will publish articles only twice a week – on Wednesdays and Sundays. Maybe in time I will add the next day, but I want to do more cover songs again and I wouldn’t have much time for it.…