• Akce

    Event review 1. (Recenze akce)

    Hi! Ahojky! I’m so sorry, but an exhibition that we visited (about animals from the Ice Age) is only in Czech and in Prague. But it was really interesting! So maybe next time for another event review. The review of the Seaworld in Prague will be soon. _ Jste v Praze? Nemáte plány na víkend? Tak přijďte na výstaviště v Holešovicích, kde se krom medializované výstavy vesmíru koná i menší výstava zvířat z doby ledové. Já ji s tátou navštívila před pár týdny a moc se nám tam líbilo. Přináším vám tedy stručnou reportáž/recenzi podle které se můžete rozhodnout, jestli výstavu navštívit. Bohužel jsem se k tomu nedostala dříve, takže…

  • Svíčky

    Yankee candles reviews (recenze)

    Hello! Ahoj! Everybody who knows me a little better knows that I’m crazy about candles. Such a little pyromaniac. A few months ago I first ordered wax candles from Yankee candle company and I was thrilled. Since then, I swear by it because despite their higher price are very high quality and made of vegan products. And the selection of fragrances is incredible . Of course, they have more choice in the UK and the USA, but better than nothing. I like burn the candles especially in autumn and winter, so during that time I have ordered them quite a lot. But I cannot abandon them right now, so I also bought…

  • Knihy

    Book review 1. (Knižní recenze)

    Heya! Ahojky! My first book review on this blog. I hope you like it. I’ll be glad when you’ll write a comment. Without undue delay, let’s go!  More information about my reading: Goodreads. _ Má první recenze knihy na tomto blogu. Snad se bude líbit. Budu ráda, když napíšete komentář.  Bez zbytečného zdržování, jdeme na to!  Více informací o mém čtení: ČBDB, Databázeknih. * Asylum  (Ústav pro duševně choré) Author (Autor): Madeleine Rouxová Publisher (Nakladatelství): Jota Release year (Rok vydání): 2013/2014 Translation (Překlad): Jan Kozák Book cover (Obálka): René Senko Number of pages (Počet stránek): 300 Number of chapters (Počet kapitol): 37 Price (Cena): 368 – 230 CZK/Kč Language (Jazyk): czech/český Genre (Žánr): horor, teen, Sci-fi, fantasy

  • Kosmetika/Oblečení,  O mně

    Orange bobbed (Oranžové mikádo)

    Hi! Ahoj! I have a new hairstyle. It was supposed to be ginger haircut, but it’s orange bobbed. I really like it, so I’ll show you how my best friend and I did it. He did. I just sat on the ground in the bathroom.. *day before dyeing hair* Me: „I will not wash my hair to the color worked better.“ Medard: „No. Wash your hair, then your hair will be weakened and the color will work better.“ Me: „What? My whole life was a lie!“ * I’m going to wash my hair * *day of dyeing hair* Medard:  „Apply on unwashed hair.“ *reading instructions * Me: „…“ Medard: „Be quiet.“ Color and bleach…

  • Filmy/TV

    Movie reviews 3. (Filmové recenze)

    Hello! Ahoj! I’m so sorry, but I’m feeling sick since Tuesday. It’s nothing serious, but I sleep a lot. So I can’t write an article about preparing for tomorrow’s prom. We will have to move on to next week. Instead, I decided to write an article about the films I had seen since Christmas. When I’m looking at it, they are all pretty depressing. I like psychologically oriented drama movies that leaves in you some emotions and space to think. I have for you the 5 short movie reviews , most of them are new movies. I wanted to see them because they were (are) nominated for an Oscar. And I found…