May Favourites 2015
Ahoj! Moje první May favourites! Včera jsem konečně vyfotila některé věci, které jsem si tento měsíc oblíbila, abych vám je ukázala. Chtěla bych si tuhle rubriku udržet, protože je to vážně skvělý způsob, jak shrnou své nejoblíbenější produkty a zajímavosti za určitý měsíc. Bez dalšího zbytečného povídání jdeme na to! Tentokrát mám 9 témat, které rekapitulují můj květnový měsíc!
Book review 1. (Knižní recenze)
Heya! Ahojky! My first book review on this blog. I hope you like it. I’ll be glad when you’ll write a comment. Without undue delay, let’s go! More information about my reading: Goodreads. _ Má první recenze knihy na tomto blogu. Snad se bude líbit. Budu ráda, když napíšete komentář. Bez zbytečného zdržování, jdeme na to! Více informací o mém čtení: ČBDB, Databázeknih. * Asylum (Ústav pro duševně choré) Author (Autor): Madeleine Rouxová Publisher (Nakladatelství): Jota Release year (Rok vydání): 2013/2014 Translation (Překlad): Jan Kozák Book cover (Obálka): René Senko Number of pages (Počet stránek): 300 Number of chapters (Počet kapitol): 37 Price (Cena): 368 – 230 CZK/Kč Language (Jazyk): czech/český Genre (Žánr): horor, teen, Sci-fi, fantasy
My bookcase (Moje knihovna)
Hi! Ahoj! I thought that before I’ll write reviews on books, I should show you my modest bookcase. I slowly expanded it, but now I have there about 10 unread books, so I give a break to shopping until I’ll read them. Perhaps I’ll read it soon, but now to the bookcase itself, which by the way is totally new. More about what I read, what I’m reading and what I want to read you find out on my Goodreads profile. Add me as a friend if you want. How does your bookcase look like? And what is your favourite book? _ Říkala jsem si, že než začnu psát recenze na knihy, tak bych vám…
Harry Potter TAG 2/2 (dotazník)
Good afternoon! Dobré odpoledne! Today I won’t keep it any longer. I promised the second part of Harry Potter TAG and with a slight delay is here. Whenever I start to think about the story I have a tendency to go read all the books from the beginning, do movies marathon and all at once will be the best. Maybe I will listen to the audio books, it’s a compromise! I’ll be glad when you’ll write in the comments your thoughts on today’s issues or you would recommend me another TAG. _ Dneska to nebudu zdržovat. Slibovala jsem druhou část Harry Potter dotazníku a s menším zpožděním je tady. Vždycky, když začnu nad příběhem přemýšlet, tak…
Week with Annie 22. (Týden s Annie)
Hi! Zdravím! This week has been quite modest. And I’m also getting used to the hustle and bustle. I even took a job to home, but I don’t mind. I did some progress in reading all of my books which I started read (that is my profile on Goodreads). I enrolled in a membership book club, I got a big book of crosswords and vocabulary, so the fun I have cared and soon I ‚m going to buy more books. The list of „those books I want“ is really long .. A word of advice. Don’t write on the internet dating. Seriously you usually get back to very strange people. And especially don’t write on…
Week with Annie 21. (Týden s Annie)
Hi! Ahoj! Another week full of English, series, helping others and wating for Spring.. On Monday afternoon I returned from Brno from my best friend and I immediately ran to work to teach English. Other days I did preparation for english class, I learnt English (I want to be better), I cleaned a room, I wrote my first article (only in Czech) in „EKO challenge„, I started reading a new book (A.C Doyle – Sherlock Holmes and The Red-Headed League) and I completely succumbed to the series The Middle and Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares (I also updated my list). I’m happy that about 5 o’clock in the evening is still light outside and even the sun…
Gifts from best friend (Dárky od nej kamaráda)
Hello! Ahoj! This weekend I visited my best friend, Medard (his FB page). And because we didn’t manage to met together at Christmas time, we gave gifts to each other this weekend. When I saw the pile of gifts what he bought me, I thought I would faint. I unpack it for about an hour one by one. All gifts are amazing! It’s nice to see that someone knows you really well and he is able to spend so much money just to make you happy. He’s crazy. Nevertheless, I’m modest and one gift would have been enough for me. But if someone would ask me now which gift is the best,…
Harry Potter TAG 1/2 (dotazník)
Hi! Ahoj! I wondered what article I’ll write today and I finally decided to do what I do best, write about Harry Potter. I originally found this TAG as a 30-day challenge, but I divided it into two parts. Here’s the first one. It was fun to answer questions and I will publish the second part soon. If you like it, you can copy the questions and answer them in a video or on your blog. I like to look at your own answers. Let me know in the comments! Have fun and I’m going to watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! _ Přemýšlela jsem, jaký článek dnes napíšu a…
What I got for Christmas 2014
Hello and welcome to the last article of my Christmas project „12 days of Christmas“! Ahoj a vítejte u posledního článku mého vánočního projektu „12 vánočních dnů“! Finally, there is the promised article on what I got for Christmas 2014. Later I’ll write you the rest because I don’t have all of them. I think that Christmas is not about gifts, but it’s nice when you get some or someone made it for you. I’m grateful for all the gifts very much and I’m looking forward to get those from my best friend! There’re no expensive presents, so I hope you will not take that as a boast. Rather, I want…
Summer books 2014 (Letní knihy)
Hi guys, I have finally amazing summer holiday after school education and I have time to read books! I already red The Fault In Our Stars – very beautiful and sad story, love this type of books. White As Milk, Red As Blood has similar theme – I look forward to it. I has started to read The Casual Vacancy – it’s so good. Rowling has incredible style and even if this isn’t Harry Potter, but whole new book, detective story, you will be suprise. All three I can recommend it. Go outside or stay home.. but you must read it! ♥ _ Ahoj lidi, konečně mám skvělé letní prázdniny…