Christmas at Hogwarts
Welcome to the seventh day of the „12 days of Christmas“! Vítejte u sedmého dne „12 vánočních dnů“! * I was in Harry Potter Warner Bros. Studio Tour London already last summer but during this year’s Christmas visit to London I could not miss it, because from mid-November until the end of December they organize event „Hogwarts in the snow“ – just Christmas at Hogwarts and the museum has been added more things since last summer (that I’ll write in another article). Nearly the whole studio was decorated in the Christmas atmosphere. Most were decorated the Great Hall, the Gryffindor common room, Gryffindors‘ bedroom, Weasleys‘ kitchen, a model of Hogwarts and the shops and entrance hall.…
Event review 5. (Recenze akce)
Hi! Ahoj! It’s the fourth event review! Dad said recently that he would like to visit the Technical Museum in Prague and nobody wanted to go with him. I sacrificed myself and at the end of the day, I was really surprised because this museum is not just for boys or technical types. So feel free to come to the building of the knowledge! Have you ever been there? Did you like it? Tell me in the comments or on my Facebook. _ Je tu čtvrtá recenze akce! Taťka říkal, že by chtěl navštívit technické muzeum v Praze a že nikdo s ním nechce jít. Já jsem se obětovala a na…
Event review 4. (Recenze akce)
Hi! Ahojky! On the last Sunday of the summer holidays my parents and I visited Prague ice cream festival, which was in Prague for the first time. When we was leaving the festival, we came across two other festivals, but because we were there only for a moment, I’ve decided to put all festivals into one article. More information about the festivals I’m going to describe you later in this article. Were you there? Did you like it? Will you go next year? Tell me in the comments or on my Facebook. _ Poslední neděli letních prázdnin jsme s rodiči navštívili pražský zmrzlinový festival, který byl v Praze poprvé. Při odchodu z Výstaviště jsme narazili na…
Event review 3. (Recenze akce)
Heya! Nazdárek! There is another event review! Let’s cool off with the underwater creatures. I visited this Prague Sea world with my father a few months ago and I finally got to write you about it. I was there earlier (about 10 years ago), but didn‘t bother me to be here again because it’s really an unforgettable experience.. Have you ever been there? Did you like it? Have you visited another aquarium? Tell me in the comments or on my Facebook. _ Je tu další recenze akce! Pojďme se zchladit mezi podvodní tvory. Navštívila jsem s taťkou před pár měsíci tento pražský Mořský svět a konečně jsem se dostala k tomu vám o tom napsat. Byla jsem…
Event review 2. (Recenze akce)
Hello! Ahoj! Two weeks ago, my family and I visited Terezín and its Small Fortress. Let’s read about how I liked it and basic information about how you can get there. If you will visit this place (or you have already visited), so write me down here in the comments or on my Facebook page, what did that make you feel and if you recommend visit this place to others. _ Před dvěma týdny jsem s rodinou navštívila město Terezín a jeho Malou pevnost. Pojďte si přečíst o tom, jak se mi tam líbilo a základní informace o tom, jak se tam můžete dostat vy. Pokud toto místo navštívíte (nebo jste již navštívili),…
Event review 1. (Recenze akce)
Hi! Ahojky! I’m so sorry, but an exhibition that we visited (about animals from the Ice Age) is only in Czech and in Prague. But it was really interesting! So maybe next time for another event review. The review of the Seaworld in Prague will be soon. _ Jste v Praze? Nemáte plány na víkend? Tak přijďte na výstaviště v Holešovicích, kde se krom medializované výstavy vesmíru koná i menší výstava zvířat z doby ledové. Já ji s tátou navštívila před pár týdny a moc se nám tam líbilo. Přináším vám tedy stručnou reportáž/recenzi podle které se můžete rozhodnout, jestli výstavu navštívit. Bohužel jsem se k tomu nedostala dříve, takže…
Harry Potter studio
Hi guys, Ahoj lidi, the main part of our london trip was visiting The making of Harry Potter (Warner Bros studio London). The studio isn’t in London, but about 30 minutes north of it, in Leavesden studio in Watford. We went by train from Euston station (London) to Watford Junction station. It cost about £8 with Oyster card and from WJ to HP studio £2. You need to buy ticket in advance to studio- here. _ hlavní část našeho výletu do Londýna byla navštívení Harry Potter studia. Studio není v Londýně, ale asi 30 minut severně od něj, v Leavesden studiu ve Watfordu. Jeli jsme vlakem z nádraží Euston na nádraží Watford. Stálo…
Trip to London 2014 (Výlet do Londýna) III.
Hiiii! Ahoj! This is third part of my articles about my first trip to London with dad. It’s only a few bonus photo. On Friday I will post last part, where will be photos from WarnerBros Harry Potter studio and photos from London places which was in Harry Potter’s movies. I want back! _ Tohle je třetí část článků o mém prvním výletě do Londýna s taťkou. Je to pouze několik bonusových fotek. V pátek zveřejném poslední část, kre budou fotky z HP studia a fotky míst, které byly ve filmech o Harry Potterovi. Part 1 (část 1) Part 2 (část 2) London underground map. Londýnská mapa metra.
Trip to London 2014 (Výlet do Londýna) II.
Hello! Ahoj! I’m sure you all know, I was with my father in the summer in London for 8 days. The first article about what we saw, I published on Wednesday. Today I will show you what else we saw in this amazing city. Or at least the most important, because we saw a lot and we have almost 3000 photos. We even took pictures of the street, we came across .. So It appears that I will have one extra article. But dont’t worry, It will be shorter. _ Jak určitě už všichni víte, byla jsem s taťkou v létě v Londýně na 8 dní. První článek o tom,…
Trip to London 2014 (Výlet do Londýna) I.
Hi people, Ahoj lidi, I have a big post from my London trip for you, where I was with my dad! It has three parts! Have a fun! Mám pro vás velký článek z mého londýnského výletu, kde jsem byla s taťkou. Má tři části! Bavte se! I am in love! London is an amazing city! Me and my dad saw incredible places and met nice people. My favourite part of London is Camden Town. It has beautiful atmosphere, buildings and markets. I hope, that one day I will live there. Jsem zamilovaná! London je úžasné město. Já a můj taťka jsme viděli mnoho skvělých míst a potkali milé lidi. Má nejoblíbenější…