Vegan roasted vegetables
Hi! Ahojky! * Unfortunately I don’t have much time so I have for you today only other vegan recipe. Ideal as a side dish or single dish. It is very easy to prepare and before it will be rosted, you can look at my other articles in food section. Even healthy food can be good! If you have questions, let me know in the comments. If you’ll use my recipe, show me your photos on Facebook or Instagram! _ Bohužel nestíhám a tak pro vás mám dnes pouze další veganský recept. Hodí se jako příloha nebo samostatné jídlo. Je velmi snadný na přípravu a než se vám upeče, tak se můžete podívat…
Vegan mug cake
Hello! Ahoj! * Today it begins a new series of vegan recipes. As a beginner I try many new recipes and techniques. I hope you will be happy if I give you a couple of good recipes to try it. I promise that I’ll not give you anything that I didn’t like myself. The first is the recipe for a quick vegan mug cake that is gluten-free as well. If you will be sweet-tooth someday, be sure to try it – it’s good! If you have questions, let me know in the comments. If you’ll use my recipe, show me your photos on Facebook or Instagram! _ Dnes započne nová série veganských…