
  • Věci

    Halloweenské/podzimní dekorace

    Ahoj! * Podzim je mé nejoblíbenější roční období a Halloween jeho nejlepší svátek. Hned první den v září jsem vyndala všechny své tématické dekorace a vyzdobila si pokoj (a trochu celý byt) a mezitím dokoupila i pár dekorací nových. Na celkový výsledek se můžete podívat na fotkách ve článku. Vyfotila jsem jen svůj pokoj, protože po bytě je jen pár drobností a kvůli bezpečnosti a soukromí nechci fotit celý byt. Dekorace jsou většinou koupené přes internet (tady), vyrobené mnou nebo koupené v kamenných obchodech (Primark, Horoskop). Samozřejmě také nechybí mnou vydlabaná dýně. Také jste si vyzdobili pokoj? Pošlete mi fotky vašich podzimních/halloweenských výtvorů na můj Instagram, Facebook nebo napište odkaz do komentářů. *…

  • Další,  O mně,  Věci

    What is in my bag?

    Hi! Ahoj! * Today is the St. Valentine’s Day, but this article will not be affected. If you like articles focused on this theme, read the one from the last year. According bag you know man! That’s my new saying so let’s look into my bag and so you can know me more … or else What is in my bag? Show me your bag and what you have inside. Maybe I get inspiration on what more to add to mine. Write me in the comments or tag my on your photo on Facebook or Instagram. Remember that on the blog is still ongoing competition for the book! _ Dnes je den sv.…

  • Obrázky,  Věci

    My Christmas 2015

    Welcome to the ninth day of the „12 days of Christmas“! Vítejte u devátého dne  „12 vánočních dnů“! * Today there is such a timeout article. It contains photos of this year’s Christmas, which was surprisingly quiet, relaxing, family and I enjoyed it. Of course, we ate and drunk (non-alcoholic  drinks) a lot. We all got a lot of gifts, watched movies, my brother and I played The Sims 4 and we played board games too. The only downside of the Christmas holidays is that I threw up a daily regimen and now it’s really hard to come back into it. So I apologize for nonobservance of the schedule of „12 days of Christmas“ posts. I…

  • Hry,  Knihy,  Kosmetika/Oblečení,  Věci

    What I got for Christmas 2015

    Welcome to the eighth day of the „12 days of Christmas“! Vítejte u osmého dne  „12 vánočních dnů“! * This year I chose about half of the gifts myself and most of them bought in London and HP studio where we had been before Christmas with my dad. But I also got some extra gifts that I didn’t know about them. The gifts from friends miss, so I will add them later. This year I was probably nicer than the last, because I feel that I have too much gifts. The best gifts are so far new Sims 4 expansion packs, Harry Potter The Creature Vault, a handbag and Christmas leggings. Every gift made me…

  • Filmy/TV,  Hudba,  Knihy,  Věci

    Halloween 2015

    Hellooo! Ahoooj! The day after tomorrow is All Hallows’ Evening and I’ve decided to show you my program for Halloween 2015, which I’am going to spend at home. I arranged myself a day off, which I’m going to fill with scary and fun activities. Tell me in the comments or even on my Facebook, Twitter or Google+, what is/was your plan for this spooky holiday. Last year I also wrote several articles about Halloween – you can find them here. _ Pozítří je Předvečer Všech svatých a já jsem se rozhodla vám ukázat můj program na Halloween 2015, který budu trávit doma. Naplánovala jsem si den volna, který zaplním děsivými a zábavnými aktivitami. Napište mi do komentářů nebo třeba…

  • O mně,  Věci

    Room tour 2015 (Prohlídka pokoje)

    Hello! Ahoj! I recently bought a (something was a gift or homemade) new furniture. And that means it’s a great opportunity to room tour. I have a small room and need lots of shelves, drawers and cabinets, so it would fit in and everything was organized. Tour room is divided into 4 parts (according to utility), photos on the left are „before“ and the right „after“ change. If you would like to know some details (where I bought some things), ask me in comments. I’ll be glad if you show me your room as well. Article focused on room decoration will be next time. _ Nedávno jsem si koupila (něco byl dárek nebo vyrobeno…

  • DIY,  Věci

    Easter decorations (Velikonoční dekorace)

     Hello! Ahoj! Spring is here and with it comes another holiday – Easter. At home we don’t celebrate it too much. We celebrated it when I was little, but then we stopped. It’s not my favorite holiday, but it’s the moment when I do something creative again. And it would not be me if I didn’t take photos of it and write an article about it. I’ve got for you two DIY products and some ornaments in my room and my mom products. Perhaps you find inspiration here and also you’re attempting to create. I’ll be glad if you will share with me your creations! _ Je tu jaro a s ním přichází i…

  • Filmy/TV,  Jídlo/Pití,  Knihy,  Kosmetika/Oblečení,  Věci

    Gifts from best friend (Dárky od nej kamaráda)

    Hello! Ahoj! This weekend I visited my best friend, Medard (his FB page). And because we didn’t manage to met together at Christmas time, we gave gifts to each other this weekend. When I saw the pile of gifts what he bought me, I thought I would faint. I unpack it for about an hour one by one. All gifts are amazing! It’s nice to see that someone knows you really well and he is able to spend so much money just to make you happy. He’s crazy. Nevertheless, I’m modest and one gift would have been enough for me. But if someone would ask me now which gift is the best,…

  • Jídlo/Pití,  Kosmetika/Oblečení,  Věci

    Haul 3. (Úlovek)

    Hi, guys! Ahoj, lidi!   In the last article I wrote that I shopped on a Saturday with my dad. I bought a supply of cosmetics and a few other things. We actually bought much more, but some things aren’t interesting, or they are Christmas ornaments on a Christmas tree in the living room, which I will show you up on this Saturday with the first Christmas article. I really look forward to it! I wrote to you a brief review of the cosmetics that you to know if they are good products. Each part of the things I identified with a large inscription of the shop names where I bought it and of course, every product has the price (this time only in the…