Christmas Yankee candle

    Welcome to the second day of the „12 days of Christmas“! Vítejte u druhého dne  „12 vánočních dnů“! * At home they call me pyromaniac. Candles are important to me and especially during autumn and Christmas. Therefore I have for you today a review of several Christmas scents from Yankee Candle. I mostly use the waxes into aromatic lamps, because the scent is stronger, can be combined and you can change fragrances more often. There is another larger review that I wrote in the spring and tiny reviews here. Have you ever had some Christmas scent from Yankee Candle? _ Doma mi říkají pyroman. Svíčky jsou pro mě důležité a to hlavně v období podzimu…

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    12 days of Christmas (2015)

    Welcome to the first day of the „12 days of Christmas“! Vítejte u prvního dne  „12 vánočních dnů“! * And here it is! Christmas is all around us and Christmas Eve (Day) is coming. I love Christmas and I am one of the few these days (according to people in my neighborhood). They don’t understand it at all so it’s why I have decided to do on my blog some Christmas – themed articles again this year and maybe I will success in to you, Grinches, get a little Christmas spirit. It will be 12 posts like last year (by carol „12 Days of Christmas“) and it will be for example a review on the book…