Pumpkin pie (Dýňový koláč)
Heya! Nazdárek! Today’s article is a little different. Mom and I made pumpkin pie for the first time this week and it was excellent, so I decided to give you a recipe that you can also bake it. It’s not very challenging. It takes about 35 minutes + baking 40 minutes. And most importantly, the result is priceless! Recipe is vegetarian of course but not vegan. In parentheses, I wrote you how you can substitute non-vegan food. If you have questions, let me know in the comments. _ Dnešní článek je trochu jiný. S mamkou jsme v týdnu poprvé dělaly dýňový koláč a byl výborný, tak jsem se rozhodla, že vám dám recept,…