Christmas in London
Welcome to the eleventh day of the „12 days of Christmas“! Vítejte u jedenáctého dne „12 vánočních dnů“! * Christmas last but not the least article includes Christmas photos of London the weekend before Christmas. I hope you like it and I recommend you to fled the stress here and visited London the next year. Although in London are a lot of people, but the people were much nicer than in the Czech Republic. In the article aren’t pictures of the Harry Potter studio Christmas – it has a separate article. Eventually I’ll give here even a video, but I don’t manage to cut it in this moment. It was an amazing spectacle to be in…
Gifts from best friend (Dárky od nej kamaráda)
Hello! Ahoj! This weekend I visited my best friend, Medard (his FB page). And because we didn’t manage to met together at Christmas time, we gave gifts to each other this weekend. When I saw the pile of gifts what he bought me, I thought I would faint. I unpack it for about an hour one by one. All gifts are amazing! It’s nice to see that someone knows you really well and he is able to spend so much money just to make you happy. He’s crazy. Nevertheless, I’m modest and one gift would have been enough for me. But if someone would ask me now which gift is the best,…
London/British TAG (londýnský/britský)
Good evening! Dobrý večer! You all know that I was in London this summer for a week. And I must say that I miss it. So I thought that today I would write something about London. I found this tag, but I didn’t shoot video, I answered the questions in writing. Some questions I wiped and a few are a bit modified. I hope you enjoy it, I enjoyed it, and now .. I miss London even more! _ Všichni víte, že jsem byla tohle léto na týden v Londýně. A musím říct, že se mi po něm stýská. A tak jsem si řekla, že dneska budu psát něco o něm.…