Week with Annie 22. (Týden s Annie)
Hi! Zdravím! This week has been quite modest. And I’m also getting used to the hustle and bustle. I even took a job to home, but I don’t mind. I did some progress in reading all of my books which I started read (that is my profile on Goodreads). I enrolled in a membership book club, I got a big book of crosswords and vocabulary, so the fun I have cared and soon I ‚m going to buy more books. The list of „those books I want“ is really long .. A word of advice. Don’t write on the internet dating. Seriously you usually get back to very strange people. And especially don’t write on…
Week with Annie 21. (Týden s Annie)
Hi! Ahoj! Another week full of English, series, helping others and wating for Spring.. On Monday afternoon I returned from Brno from my best friend and I immediately ran to work to teach English. Other days I did preparation for english class, I learnt English (I want to be better), I cleaned a room, I wrote my first article (only in Czech) in „EKO challenge„, I started reading a new book (A.C Doyle – Sherlock Holmes and The Red-Headed League) and I completely succumbed to the series The Middle and Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares (I also updated my list). I’m happy that about 5 o’clock in the evening is still light outside and even the sun…
Week with Annie 20. (Týden s Annie)
Hi! Ahoj! After a short break when I needed to recharge my batteries, I’m back to enrich your lives with my stories, knowledge, ideas and the news not only in my surroundings, but also of the world. Today I would like to start lightly, because I’m not at home and I don’t want to spend all the time on the computer. I finally have visited my best friend Medard in Brno and I’m enjoying it much. Yesterday we saw the new Disney film „Big Hero 6“ and it was really cool. I would even say that one this movie is one of the best. The main reason why I am writing…