• DENÍK,  Filmy/TV

    Week with Annie 23. (Týden s Annie)

    Hello! Ahoj! Another week has passed and with it news from the life of Annie .. After a long time I played The Sims 4 and hopefully I’ll have time to play later today. Finally, I again pulled out my camera and took some photos that I want to use in the next article for EKO challenge that I want to write before the end (ends on Saturday for Earth Day). I guess I’m the only one who hasn’t seen a solar eclipse on Friday, and did not care. Rather, I was pleased that it was the first day of spring, the international day of happiness and it was really…


    Week with Annie 17. (Týden s Annie)

    Hi! Ahoj! This whole week was about my brother’s prom. I’m proud of him. I was thinking about what dress I’ll take, which makeup I’ll use, which accessories I’ll take and so on. Finally, I fit in my old prom dress and other things followed from it. I’ll show you everything in detail in Wednesday’s article. The prom was very nice. The only bad thing was that I got a migraine at the end and I almost died on the way home. Overall, I was actually lying almost a week in bed because I wasn’t feel very well. At least I had time to find some news, to watch new movies and get some sleep.…