Yankee candle – Summer edition 2016

Hi guys!


If you read my blog regularly you know I’m crazy about candles (if you don’t read it, now you know.). My favorite brand is Yankee Candle. I buy from them scented waxes because they are cheaper, stronger and can be changed more often than the candles in jars. I already have a few of my favorite wax (next year I plan to do the article about it) but I never miss to try a new edition. This time I bought a summer edition 2016Warm Summer Nights“ and I am going to describe you these fragrances according to my feels.

The only disadvantage of my purchase has been that I found out that all prices went up (in USA and the UK too). Although only about 6 CZK, but price hadn’t been the cheapest before, so I was a little upset. Unfortunately, as once you become addicted you can never stop. A week ago I bought another 9 waxes and 4 of them are from the new autumn edition 2016Harvest Time“ but more about that next time.


Have a nice day!



Flowers in the sun

When I warmed up this scent it reminded me my childhood in summer at the cottage when we were running through meadows and played the „Chase“. A lot of light and fresh aroma of sweet flowers.

Lemon, orange, blooming azalea, buds of roses, lilies and pink musk.

Sunset breeze

Despite packed wax smelled fine after the warm-up I didn’t like it so much. Something bothered me a little bit there, but I don’t know exactly what. Despite it’s light, fresh and I am sure that it find its admirers.

Pineapple, peach, mango, pear blossom and musk.

Passion fruit martini

This fragrance was my favorite and in my opinion it  reminded me of summer the most. Tropical, sweet and strong smell that stays in your room all week and you have desire because of it to go to a party at the pool with a cocktail in your hand.

Passionfruit, pineapple, mango, orange, peach and musk.

Dreamy summer nights

On summer evenings my favorite thing is when it’s light outside longer then in winter, it’s warm but not hot and you sit, have a barbecue and just talk. This scent reminded me of this. It is a fresh oriental scent that is stronger and little bit of men’s fragrance.

Orange, vanilla sugar, heliotrope, vanilla orchid, vanilla bean, amber and cedarwood.




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