• Obrázky

    Spring in photos 2015 (Jaro na fotkách)

    Hi! Ahoj! * During the spring, I took some photos around our house. I was really focused on capturing the atmosphere of spring at its beginning and end. And I’ve also tried with my SLR camera to photograph the details of flowers that made me think I did quite a good job and I like it. I think after some time we finally experienced a proper spring weather, with all its whims (or April weather didn’t avoid to us – rain, sun, hot, cold..), and for that I’m glad, because I felt that in our country have been only summer and autumn in recent years. Despite a terrible allergy to pollen in the…


    Week with Annie 21. (Týden s Annie)

    Hi! Ahoj! Another week full of English, series, helping others and wating for Spring.. On Monday afternoon I returned from Brno from my best friend and I immediately ran to work to teach English. Other days I did preparation for english class, I learnt English (I want to be better), I cleaned a room, I wrote my first article (only in Czech) in „EKO challenge„, I started reading a new book (A.C Doyle – Sherlock Holmes and The Red-Headed League) and I completely succumbed to the series The Middle and Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares (I also updated my list). I’m happy that about 5 o’clock in the evening is still light outside and even the sun…