Week with Annie 14. (Týden s Annie)

    Hi! Ahoj!  Christmas decoration is gone. Depressed. Return to work was hard, but fortunately it wasn’t terrible. The situation saving my favourite series, which continues after the Christmas break and also hours playing The Sims 4. On Saturday we had a family party in the restaurant, but I still keep my diet, so it was not much fun. And what you’ve had a week after the Christmas holidays? In the rest of this article you have some interesting news from the world, like always… _ Vánoční výzdoba je pryč. Depresivní. Návrat do práce byl náročný, ale naštěstí to není tak strašné. Situaci zachraňují seriály, které pokračují po vánoční pauze a taky…


    Week with Annie 12.,13. (Týden s Annie)

    Hello! Ahoj! The new year is here and I’m bring you a brief overview of what I did during the Holidays. After the initial rush, I really rested and enjoyed them. I hope that you, too. And now back to school and to work. It is time again to change our dreams into reality. We’ll be sleeping next time. I’m starting to implement my New Year’s resolutions! I want to mention that I will publish articles only twice a week – on Wednesdays and Sundays. Maybe in time I will add the next day, but I want to do more cover songs again and I wouldn’t have much time for it.…