• DIY,  Věci

    Easter decorations (Velikonoční dekorace)

     Hello! Ahoj! Spring is here and with it comes another holiday – Easter. At home we don’t celebrate it too much. We celebrated it when I was little, but then we stopped. It’s not my favorite holiday, but it’s the moment when I do something creative again. And it would not be me if I didn’t take photos of it and write an article about it. I’ve got for you two DIY products and some ornaments in my room and my mom products. Perhaps you find inspiration here and also you’re attempting to create. I’ll be glad if you will share with me your creations! _ Je tu jaro a s ním přichází i…

  • DIY

    Autumn decorations

    Good evening! Dobrý večer! Winter and Christmas are approaching, but before than we’ll send autumn back to sleep, I’ve got an ideas for you, how you can easily make a few autumn decorations. Decorate your room and window sills with warm colors. Autumn is beautiful, so let him have a chance, at least two weeks. _ Zima a Vánoce se blíží, ale předtím, než podzim pošleme zase spát, mám pro vás nápady, jak si snadno vyrobit několik podzimních dekorací. Ozdobte si pokoj i parapety oken teplými barvami. Podzim je krásný, tak mu ještě dejte šanci, alespoň na dva týdny.  * *