• Knihy

    Book challenge: Summer 2015

    Hi! Ahoj! * I’ve decided that I’ll create my very first book challenge for myself this summer. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to just read all summer (job, website, learning at FCE certificate, trips) and so I set a goal of 12 books (10 books, 2 audiobooks) + books that the Baroque Partners publisher is going to send me in exchange for reviews. I wrote a list of certain books and I hope that I will read them all. My summer book challenge has already started on 1st June 2015 and will be going on until 31st August 2015! After reading all these books I’ll write the books reviews and gradually publish them. And finally, I have a surprise for…

  • Obrázky

    100 happy days challenge (Výzva šťastných dnů)

    Hi! Ahoj! Someone invented this page and „game“ called „100 happy days“. You must post one photo everyday – something what make you happy this day. I have decided go in for it. It looks interesting and funny. ^^  I will post it on my Instagram: reprobate_annie. 100 happy days challenge begins! _ Details here (Detaily tady) Někdo vynalezl tuhle stránku a hru jménem „100 šťastných dnů“. Musíš zveřejnit  každý den jednu fotku – něco, co tě ten den udělalo šťastného. Rozhodla jsem se do toho jít. Vypadá to zajímavě a legračně. Já to budu zveřejňovat na můj Instagram. Výzva 100 šťastných dnů začíná!   1st day – Morning coffee at work. #100happydays #1st #coffee 1. den – Ranní…